Friday, April 8, 2011


Donny and I are expecting!  We are SO excited and feel so blessed!

I'm 15 weeks!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby S is the size of an apple
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 2 lbs at the last doctor's visit.
Maternity Clothes: Oh, I've bought several dresses and a few pair of prego pants.  My pants do NOT fit!
Gender: Can't wait to find out on May 3rd!
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet, but I'm trying to really pay attention so I don't miss it.
Sleep: I've been so sleeply.  I've been taken a lot of naps lately.  After advice from a friend I purchased a Sno0gle pillow because my back has been hurting.  The purchase was worth the money.
What I miss: May sound silly, but I miss eating on a schedule.
Cravings: Fruit..I can't wait for the Farmers' Market to open.  Frest fruit...I can taste the fruit already.  And...Lay's Classic Potato Chips, lemonade, and mac and cheese.
Symptons: I'm just EXHAUSTED and I eat all the time!!!
Best Moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat!  (That was last week.)  Getting a good night's sleep after getting my new pillow.

I haven't had morning sickness...Thank the Lord.  I honestly have eaten us out of house and home.  I think I go to the grocery store at least every other day.  I'm not used to eating small meals.  I'm a 3 meal kind of girl so this is taking some getting used to.  I also have had several morning that I've been up at 3 or 4 o'clock eating because I feel like my stomach is touching my backbone.  My sweet husband has been wonderful.  He is so cute when he tells people that "She's going to be a mommy!"  Makes my heart smile. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Congratulations! Tell your mom congratuations too. I know she's excited.
